Rehearse.. Perform.. Celebrate!

Keeping up regular private practise is essential for musicians.

Just like in sport, training with others helps to maintain motivation, share skills and build playing stamina.

horn group rehearsal Sergeant Pepper Horns Horn flash mob

"I look forward to horn club. It's a friendly place to try new things, there is always new music to try and it helps me keep up my regular practice."

C. Fisher, amateur horn player.

London Horn Sound CD Bill Melton Gig Book french impressionists quartets

Wednesday evenings at a variety of venues. Get in touch to join us.

We are building a library of music. If you have something you'd like to play please bring it along.

Events include: concerts, busking, professional coaching, lunches out...

Technical & Servicing

We recommend Woodwind and Reed for a list of teachers, and maintenance services and we have some running repairs skills in the club.

french horn fingering chart mouthpiece remover valve restring